Our archives
Powys Archives is the official repository for the records of the county of Powys.
Our collections date from the fourteenth century and can be used for all types of research. Documents can be viewed in our search room, or if you are unable to visit we can search for you via our Research Service.
Our collections
Explore our unique collections which provide a crucial insight into Powys’ cultural heritage.
Research service
Let Powys Archives staff help with your research needs
Copying service
Contact us if you require digital copies of archive documents
Visit Us
Unit 29, Ddole Road Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF
Opening Hours
Thursday and Friday: 9.30am to 5pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed
01597 826088
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Search room guidelines
Local and Family History

Research service
Let our experts help with your research needs.
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Click on the image to get started.

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