Ystradgynlais Library - Refurbishment & News
Ystradgynlais Library is currently having a refurbishment thanks to a Welsh Government grant to help the building be more carbon neutral. So, while the library has its skylights, solar panels and automatic doors fitted, the library has been given a temporary home just a short step away in The Welfare. As well as offering a full range of library services from The Welfare, Library staff have been released to do a programme of activities in the community, to make sure people know that the library is still running and to develop an increased customer base after reopening, in mid-April.
A wide programme of outreach activities has been produced, and so far staff have had a great deal of fun giving out books to toddlers and talking to their carers about the library’s digital offer at Cylch Ti a Fi in Abercraf.
Another highlight has been a visit to each class, including, of course, the Welsh Unit, at Ysgol y Cribarth to celebrate National Storytelling Week. It was an absolute delight to spend time with such enthusiastic and well-mannered children! The children were amazed to hear that they could take books home to read from the library for FREE. When they learned that adults could even borrow iPads and chromebooks from the library for free, they could hardly believe their ears. Each class had a lively discussion about what the library could offer them, and made suggestions about what should be included for children when the library reopens. They then thoroughly enjoyed listening to traditional Welsh tales. Library staff and children alike had so much fun at the sessions, that staff have been invited to go back to celebrate World Book Day.
Another highlight was something completely different. The local Tescos store allowed the library to set up in the foyer to promote Safer Internet Day, with leaflets explaining how to stay safe online and how to set a safe password. The opportunity was also taken to promote the fact that Ystradgynlais Library is still offering a service from the Welfare Hall and to explain about the services available from the library, especially the digital offer. In the event, it was blowing a gale in the foyer, so Tescos staff kindly helped to move the display into the shop. It was a relief not to have to chase the leaflets all over the car park! Tescos staff thoughtfully provided coffee throughout the day. It was a very varied day, talking to regular customers to assure them the library is still offering a full service, and meeting new people and explaining what they could gain by visiting Ystradgynlais Library. People were keen to ask questions about how the refurbishment was progressing and what the outcome would be. There were also many questions about the children’s activities offered and what facilities were offered to support older people. One of the most frequent enquiries was regarding bus pass support, so staff were able to provide many people with a list of what evidence they needed and reassurance that they could still be helped with applications in the temporary accommodation. The store manager, Mr. Mark Jones, joked that the library staff had been no trouble and that he’d be happy for them to do a future visit, so plans are afoot to make a return visit after Ystradgynlais Library reopens.
Forthcoming outreach activities include a presentation at the Ystradgynlais Community Well-being Day, further school visits, a presentation to the Macular Degeneration Group and a talk to the local Women’s Institute. It is a case of Join the Stori Powys team and see the world!
Library staff taking part in an outreach programme at the local supermarket in Ystradgynlais.